
Scriptcase left margin macro report
Scriptcase left margin macro report

You can check the full list of macros at this link Scriptcase has more then 150 created macros to help you to insert your own business rules. In this example we will use both macros to redirect from a form application (using the ‘order’ table) to a grid application (using the ‘order_detail’ table), we will use the sc_redir macro to call the grid application passing the primary key as parameter to filter the grid application, and we will the sc_apl_conf macro to change the grid application to set it to show an specific number of lines per page. The sc_redir macro is commonly used when there is a need to make a redirection from one application to another. The macro sc_apl_conf is used when we need to change an application proprieties, for example, open a form in addition mode or change the number of row from a grid dynamically. Sc_include ("File", "Source") This macro its used to "include" PHP routines.

scriptcase left margin macro report

Sc_image (Image01.jpg) This macro loads images passed as parameter to use in the application. Sc_groupby_label ("My_Field") This macro dynamically modify the field label displayed in groupby lines. Sc_get_theme This macro returns the application theme name. Sc_get_regional This macro returns the abbreviation of the regional settings used. Sc_get_language This macro returns the abbreviation of the language used. Sc_getfield ('myField') This macro assign the properties of a field to a javascript variable. Sc_exit (Option) This macro forces the application exit. Sc_error_message ("Text") This macro generate an error message. This macro Interrupts the application execution if there are error messagesgenerated by the macro "sc_error_message". Sc_error_exit (URL, "Target") or (My_Application,"Target") sc_field_display () This macro returns the field or variable with the content encrypted. sc_field_disabled ("Field_Name = True/False", "Parameter") This macro its used to block a field to get any data that would be typed on it. sc_field_color ("Field", "Color") This macro changes the color of a determined field text. sc_block_display (Block_Name, on/off) This macro dynamically show/hide the fields of a specific block. MACROS AND SPECIAL VARIABLES Shows sc_ajax_message ("Message", "Title", "Parameters", "Parameters_Redir") This macro allows the application to display customized messages. Follows a table of all macros and special variables from ScriptCase, including the list of applications that works for each one. SCRIPTCASE MACROS Scriptcase has macros and special variables that allow the user to manipulate events, buttons, applications, security control, manipulate with dates, etc.

Scriptcase left margin macro report