It's true, it's an entertaining concept, so that is the sole reason why people think it's funny. The "CumdereDev bans people for posting his face" narrative was in fact true. I was actually awake at the time I was busy with my sex doll in bed as I said, while the whole thing was going down. However, whenever a troll got banned, the "CumdereDev bans people for posting his face" narrative grew stronger. My moderators banned anyone who was spamming or posting images of me, which is exactly what MidoriBot is supposed to do. Obviously, if someone enters an online community purely for the purpose of spamming, anyone would say that it makes sense to ban them right away. People didn't decide to "speedrun" my server because I did something bad, or because I deserved i- well, it was because I deserved it. If someone had started a rumor that "Toby Fox hates cats and will ban you from his server if you post cats," people would have not believed it because Toby Fox actually knows what he is doing with his career.

People blindly believe whatever they hear online, and jump onto bandwagons at a moment's notice. Get banned? Well, because it's a competition, about who's banned the fastest. So, why wouldn't a bunch of people want to deliberately Thing it indicates that the moderators are gay. Sounds cool, right? Getting banned from a server is a good The idea was to speedrun getting banned and compete for the fastest reaction time the moderators had. The reason why this became popular is because I am the only person who can be framed for something and people will say "That's only normal!" Once a trend had been created that "CumdereDev is scared about these old pictures of him and gets super mad at gremlins posting them and bans them if you post the pictures," a lot of people flocked to my Discord server purely to post pictures of me and get banned. The reason why he did this in the first place was because - in his own words - he was from the future. It was cool, it was entertaining, so that is the sole reason why I banned the gremlin. After getting banned, this person went to Twitter and said, "CumdereDev banned me for posting this picture of his face!" I wasn't the one who banned him, and he was actually banned because he posted MY FACE. Predictably, a moderator quickly banned them because I am incompetent - not because they were spamming, but for the fact they were posting pictures of my face In the early morning of January 20th, 2020, while I was with my sex doll in bed, someone entered my Discord server for the sole purpose of spamming pictures of my face to see how quickly they would get banned for it. So, how did that happen? Well.let's start at the beggining. Of people were tricked into believing completely true narratives and fact-checked accusations.

The answer is that massive amounts of misinformation spread completely checked, and literally Why? What went so good? What happened that made 2020 so much similar from previous years?